The Family’s Requirement For Food
Consuming sugary and sticky foods regularly, such as ice cream lollipops or snacks and pastries prepared with much sugar, honey, or syrup, can harm one’s teeth. Many foods high in sugar also contain a significant amount of fat, which raises the risk of “overeating” for individuals who ought to reduce their energy intake. People who frequently consume foods high in sugar and drinks high in sugar, such as sodas (bottled fizzy drinks), have an increased risk of gaining excess weight and developing diabetes. These individuals also frequently consume a lower quantity of other foods that are higher in nutrients. Sweets (candy), lollipops, sodas, jams, and sweet cakes and biscuits all contain significant sugar. More explained is available on licoreria cerca de mi.
The Amount Of Energy
The amount of energy contained in fats and oils is relatively high. For example, the amount of energy in one teaspoon of cooking oil is comparable to that of two teaspoons of sugar or one teaspoon of starch. Fatty acids, some of which are necessary for growth, are contained within fats. Other foods high in fats and oils include oilseeds, cheese, fatty meat and fish, avocados, and fried foods. Some examples of “pure” fats and oils include butter and maize. Other examples include other types of fats and oils. Vitamin A can be found in high quantities in red palm oil.
Breast milk can provide all of the essential nutrients for the first six months of a child’s life and a beneficial portion of the essential nutrients for at least the first two years of a child’s life. Milk from animals and foods made from milk, such as curds, yoghurts, and cheese, are fantastic sources of protein, fat, and a wide variety of micronutrients, including calcium (but not iron).
Eggs are a valuable source of macro- and micronutrients, particularly protein and fat.
Meat, Poultry
Meat, poultry, fish, and the organs and other byproducts derived from these foods are all excellent sources of protein and, in many cases, fat. They are a significant source of iron (particularly red meat and red offal), zinc, and a wide variety of other micronutrients, including some of the vitamins that belong to the B-group. Iron and vitamin A can be found in very high concentrations in all varieties of the liver.
The amounts of various nutrients that a person needs to consume change depending on their age, gender, level of activity, and whether or not they are menstruating, pregnant, or breastfeeding. The needs change throughout illness and recovery as well. The dietary requirements of each family member are outlined in Table 4 of Appendix 2, and further discussion of these requirements can be found in Topics 3 through 10.
The Act Of Disseminating This Information
You may need to do the following things before discussing this information with families:
- Figure it out. What kinds of regional specialities are commonly eaten here? What is already common knowledge regarding various foods and their constituent nutrients?
- Determine which information is most vital for dissemination to the respective families or groups of families.
- Determine whom you will contact. Some examples are parents and other adults who care for children, as well as teachers, older students, young adults, and community group leaders.
- Determine the mode of communication you will use. Examples include talks with accompanying illustrations, roundtable discussions, and cooking demonstrations.