4 Tips To Train Your Dog
When they are well-trained, dogs can do amazing things. Perhaps you don’t need your family pet to be able to sniff out explosive devices or alert you to a medical emergency, but a well-behaved dog makes for a wonderful companion. Training a new puppy is not always easy, however. Consider a few pieces of advice that will help your new furry friend fit into the family right away.
Choose Your Puppy Carefully
There are many options available to you regarding the source of your puppy. Some people choose to adopt young or adult dogs, for example. Although there are many benefits of searching for your pet at a local animal shelter, choosing a specific breed of dog also has its merits. Namely, certain breeds may be easier to train or known for unique abilities. For instance, you could look into German Shepherd puppies imported from Germany. Many breeders can provide you with documentation regarding the breeding line and health of your new puppy.
Be Consistent
Once you bring your companion home, it is important to decide what your training goals are and to stick to them. These goals may include teaching your dog where to go to the bathroom and what not to chew on. Be sure that your family and anyone else who interacts with the dog understand how it is being trained. For instance, if your dog is not allowed to scratch at the door, it is essential that this behavior is always discouraged, no matter who is at home. Although it may be tiring to continually discipline your puppy for barking and other bad behaviors, consistency is a key component of its learning process.
Offer Rewards
Another essential aspect of training a dog is providing positive reinforcement for good behavior. One way you could do this is feeding your puppy a small training treat each time it enters its kennel or goes outside to go to the bathroom. Through a process called classical conditioning, your furry friend will begin to practice desirable behaviors even when a treat is not provided. Some trainers choose to also use a small device that makes a clicking noise to reinforce behavior in addition to treats. The benefit of the clicker is that it can be used very precisely, so your dog will know exactly which behavior is being reinforced.
Training a dog is a worthwhile but arduous task. With proper planning and dedication, your furry friend will be part of the family in no time.